Work with Us - IATSE Local 28 Hiring Hall
For all labor requests, contact the Business Representative: 503-333-5928 • For general office questions, contact the Recording Secretary: 503-295-2828 • Apply to IATSE Local 28 and work with Portland’s Stagehand Professionals In order to be sent out on jobs you must first complete the IATSE Local 28 Application for Employment Referral. Once this is turned in to the IATSE office, the Interview Panel will evaluate your job history, education, and skills, and may contact you for a interview. If you have been called to go to work before you have gone through the interview process, you will still be required to interview with the Panel before you are placed on the dispatch list. Local 28 keeps all potential applications on file for one year. If you have not received an interview within a year of applying for Employment Referral you must resubmit your updated IATSE Local 28 Application for Employment Referral. Download the Hiring Hall Application and Rules here (PDF) IATSE 28 is proud to represent Stage and Wardrobe employees in the Portland Metro area. We have a long history of working on Portland’s stages: Beginning with the early Vaudeville houses gone and replaced high rises and parking lots, to the modern theaters. From the public auditorium, retrofitted to showcase Broadway’s biggest hits, including Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Mary Poppins, to sporting events and concerts in the Moda Center and Memorial Coliseum. IATSE Local 28 has a mutually beneficial relationship with employers that allows us to negotiate over wages, working conditions, and benefits. IATSE is not a company, it is a Union of industry professionals with common goals. IATSE Local 28 does not make a profit, your Employers pay you directly and there are no middlemen. You pay a small percentage back to IATSE Local 28 to help cover the cost of operations. The benefits that are negotiated on your behalf go directly to accounts set up for you. Local 28 provides highly skilled rigging, carpentry, lighting, audio, wardrobe, hair and makeup personnel to major venues, producers, and promoters for live events throughout the Portland Metro area, including northern Oregon and southern Washington. Highly qualified and skilled individuals dedicated to providing first-rate technical and logistical support are essential to IATSE Local 28. Lighting and sound systems have become more complex, scenic shops are using new materials to build sets and displays, and costumes are now designed for lightning quick changes. We offer classes and have programs to help you with the diversity of knowledge and technical skills to stay ahead of those changes. We are working with programs such as ETCP for rigging and electrics, and Infocom for sound and AV training and certification. Job safety is extremely important to us. Through partnership with employers, and our internal education program, we are able to create a safe work environment at every job site.
Page Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024 (16:20:00)