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Become a member of Local 28 - IATSE Local 28

Become a member of IATSE Local 28

There are 2 levels of membership in Local 28, Junior member and Journeyman. One must apply for and receive Junior membership before being eligible to apply for Journeyman membership. During Junior membership, the candidate attends meetings to become familiar with how the union works. It is only upon achieving Journeyman status that the candidate receives the right to vote.
Once you are a Member you gain the following  privileges:

  • The right to attend General Meetings and speak on issues affecting the Local and its members.
  • The right to participate in formulating union policy.
  • The right to nominate and vote for candidates for local office and to run for local office.
  • The right to participate in contract ratification and strike votes.
  • The right to seek election as a delegate to the IATSE convention.
  • Access to classes in sound, lighting, tool safety, rigging safety, and more.

To be eligible to apply for Junior membership in the Stagehand Craft category, an applicant must have worked at least 320 hours during the previous consecutive 12 months under Local #28 contracts. 
To be eligible to apply for Junior membership in the Wardrobe Craft category, an applicant must have worked at least 160 hours during the previous consecutive 12 months under Local #28 contracts. 
The Local’s record of these hours are based on reports from employers. It is recommended that a prospective applicant track their own hours using their pay stubs.
The candidate must have lived in the jurisdiction of Local 28 for the previous 18 months.
To be eligible to apply for Journeyman membership in either category the applicant must have successfully completed all requirements of being a Junior member.
*All references to "Secretary" are to the Recording Secretary. *

To apply for Junior Membership:

  1. The prospective applicant mails or emails a request for membership in Local 28 to the Recording Secretary:, Mail: IATSE Local 28, PO Box 42565 Portland, OR 97242
  2. The request is read at the next General meeting.
  3. The applicant’s eligibility is then reviewed (Residence, hours worked, Stagecraft or Wardrobe Craft test). If needed, the applicant will be scheduled to complete the Unionism test and Stagecraft or Wardrobe Craft test.
  4. Once all requirements are met, a recommendation report will be read at the next General meeting, a discussion of the prospective member and a balloted vote will occur.
  5. Upon a favorable vote by the body, the applicant will be sent the application for membership of the International. The applicant completes the form and returns it to the Local’s office with the application fee. 
  6. When the application has been approved by the International and returned to the Local, the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the next General Meeting to be sworn in. The applicant must be sworn in within 90 days of receiving notice, or the application may be declared null and void, with forfeiture of all monies paid. Newly sworn-in members are Junior members. Junior members have all the rights of a Journeyman member except voice and vote. Junior members are required to attend 6 general meetings with no voice and no vote. After attending 6 general meetings, the Junior member earns voice, but no vote. They then must attend 3 additional general meetings with voice, but no vote, before they can apply for Journeyman membership. The applicant has 3 years to meet these requirements. If the applicant has reached the 3-year deadline without fulfilling the requirements or asking for Journeyman status, the Membership Committee will meet to vote on a recommendation to the body regarding the applicant's membership, regardless of where in the process the applicant may be. The candidate will then be balloted upon at the next general meeting.

To apply for Journeyman Membership:
Once a member has completed all the requirements of Junior membership, they are eligible to apply for Journeyman membership.

  1. The applicant mails or emails a request to apply for Journeyman membership to the Secretary.
  2. The request is read at a general meeting and then forwarded to the Membership Committee.
  3. The Membership Committee confirms eligibility, prepares a recommendation for the next general meeting, the recommendation is read, there is a discussion and a balloted vote.
  4. Upon a favorable vote by the body, the Secretary contacts the applicant to inform them of the outcome and their obligation to pay the Journeyman initiation fee. 
    *If the body rejects the application for Journeyman status, the member is expelled from membership.*

Page Last Updated: Apr 05, 2021 (14:06:33)
Contact Info
IATSE Local 28
PO Box 42565
Portland, OR 97242
  503-333-5928 +

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